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Services and Fees

Please note:  Below is our usual fee structure for class attendance.  In this unprecendented time of social isolation, we are trialing different service and class delivery methods.  This fee structure will be updated on week commencing 30th March, 2020  Please refer back later. 

Thank you

Physiotherapy Clinic Assessment and Treatment:     £60  -   one hour consultation


Includes 1 hour thorough assessment, problem solving, advice, treatment & appropriate exercise plan which will be sent electronically


Follow up assessment and treatment :1 hour @ £60,  30 minute @ £40.  Amount of time required for follow up treatment will be at the discretion of the Physiotherapist


One to one Pre-Pilates Class Assessment:     £30  -  30 minute consultation

If you have never done any Pilates and have no specific musculo-skeletal or movement issues, you will need to attend an assessment information session at our clinic prior  to joining a class.  There are two important reasons why Pilates Health Physiotherapy requires this pathway to entry to classes:

1. It allows the physiotherapist/Pilates Instructor to be aware of any specific individual issues, postural or movement related, that may require consideration both in appropriately placing you in a class and when class planning.

2. It is an opportunity to teach you basic Pilates theory an technique and to allow you time to ask questions if you are unclear of what is involved.


When you understand Pilates technique and the instructor understands your needs, your experience of this form of  exercise will be much more beneficial.


Whether we consider that you will need  a 30 minute appointment or a full one hour appointment will be at the discretion of the physiotherapist on enquiry.


General Classes


Booked one half term in advance (generally 6 weeks)

Class numbers limited according to level - usually 10 to 12 per class maximum     


Adult (under 60 years):          £10 per class (6 weeks = £60 up front payment)

Seniors (over 60 years):         £8 per class (6 weeks = £48 up front payment)

Teens                                       £8 per class (6 weeks = £48 up front payment)


Remedial Classes:              Advanced Remedial  (max 6 per class)    £12 per class (6 wks = £72 up front payment)

                                                   Small Group Remedial/Post Op (4 per class)   £15 per class (6 wks = £90 up front  payment)

                                                   Small Group Remedial/Post Op/Recovery  (3 per class)  £25 per class (6 wks = £150 up front  payment)


Placement in the appropriate remedial level class will follow a thorough clinical assessment, and management and is at the discretion of the treating physiotherapist.

Policy for Non-Attendance for a term in a class that you wish to return to

As most of our classes are now full with a waiting list, we can no longer guarantee holding a place if you choose to miss a term.


We can offer:


  • Optional payment of 50% of the term’s fee to hold the place. This ensures that we do not offer your place to someone on the waiting list. It is non-refundable.


  • If you choose not to pay this fee, your place may be given away and there may not be a space in your preferred class upon your return.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:     I cannot make one or two of the classes in a term. Do I get a discount?

A:     No. You have been allocated a space in a class, so costs need to be covered for that class.  If you know in advance that you cannot make a class, make sure that you let Anita know either at the beginning of the term or as soon as you know there is a change. We will endeavour to allocate a 'swap' class if there is a space (where someone else has had to swap) in a class of a suitable level.


Q:     I am unwell and not able to attend my class. Can I have my fees refunded?

A:     Except in exceptional circumstances, fees are not refunded.  Please email Anita or text Helen as soon as possible if you know you will miss your class.  We will endeavour to allocate a 'swap' class of a suitable level when you are fully recovered


Q:     Can I just 'turn up' at a class that I have not booked into?

A:     No. Every class has spaces allocated for the size of the room and the skill level of the group.  Also, the instructor needs to be familiar with your specific needs and plans a class accordingly. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all who attend a class, it is important that you book in advance to attend any Pilates Health Physiotherapy classes.


Q:     Why do you offer discounts only to seniors?

A:     As physiotherapists, we are particularly committed to encouraging the over 60's to maintain independent living though improving and maintaining strength, flexibility, co-ordination and balance.  These are all targets of the NICE Guidelines on falls prevention.  While many may consider that 'Falls Prevention' is something that is targeted to the more elderly, statistics support the idea that all these things, balance specifically, reduces significantly from the age of 50 years. So the discount is to provide the older population with an incentive to remain focused on the importance of this form of exercise to independent living. 


Q:     I struggle with some of the exercises in class and feel I would benefit from more guidance.  What should I do?

A:     All Pilates Health Instructors endeavour to give appropriate guidance both at a class level and individually as needed.  However, if you feel a little extra help is necessary, communication will help you to enjoy your class more and get better results.  You could either send an email to Anita who will pass it on to the relevant teacher who will be able to answer your questions either by return email or at your following class. If you do wish to discuss any issues, please turn up a few minutes earlier.  All instructors are generally at the venue a few minutes ahead of class start time to set up. Mention your difficulties so that the instructor can help you where necessary during the class. 

However, please remember that a class is not an alternative to attending a one to one assessment and treatment session.  If the physiotherapist advises you that you would need to attend a one to one session to problem solve your issue, this is because she/he feels they cannot safely advise you without a proper examination.


Q:     I feel that the class I have been allocated to is not appropriate to my level of ability

A:     At Pilates Health Physiotherapy we aim to place you in a class that is an appropriate level.  Occasionally the class mix of abilities can be a little wider.  While all Pilates Health Physiotherapists are skilled at managing differing levels within a class, if you do not feel that it is appropriate to your ability, then please discuss this first with your instructor, who will then speak with either Anita or Helen with regard to possible class change. Occasionally the instructor may observe that you have progressed beyond your current class level or indeed that an injury has resulted in you struggling to keep up with your class.  In this case, the instructor may suggest a change of class may be necessary in order to ensure that you are getting the best out of a class.


Cancellation Policy: Classes

If you cannot make a class, you must give more than 24 hours notice to either Anita Twiddy ( or text Helen Hartley (07789465383).  We will endeavour to provide you with the opportunity to make up your missed class within the current term if a space is available.  PHP do not carry over classes into the following term other than in exceptional circumstances

Pilates Health Physiotherapy Clinic

Level 2, Merritt House, Hill Avenue,

Amersham, HP6 5BQ

Mob: 07789 465 383

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