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Live Zoom Pilates Classes FAQ
Technical Advice:
We have had very positive feedback from the classes about the quality of audio and video, so if you are having difficulties with either of these it will be the result of your device or internet connection.
Please look through these and try to resolve your own technical issues.
In the event of you having read these FAQ and acted upon them and are still having difficulties we can offer to do a test on Zoom. However, we are not technical experts and ultimately it is your responsibility to manage your technology so that you can access the class.
How do I join a Zoom class?
You can join a meeting by clicking on the class link that will be sent by Anita. Each class has a unique link, so you need to click on the link for the specific class. You do not need an account with Zoom to join a class. You do not need a password to join a class. If, however, you do set up an account, it is free and your name will be associated with the account which helps us know you are there!
If you do not have Zoom already installed, you will be requested to download an app before the link will work. You need to allow this to be installed and then try the link again.
How do I join the computer/device audio?
On most devices, you can enable audio by clicking “Join Audio”, “Join with Computer Audio”, or “Audio” buttons to access the audio settings.
For each class there will be five minutes at the beginning where participants can speak, then the instructor will ‘mute all’ until the end of the class. After the class has finished participants will again be able to speak for a short period.
Be aware that everyone in the class will be able to hear what you say.
How can I control my audio?
If you hover your mouse over your tool bar, usually at the side or bottom of your screen, you will see a microphone icon such as this:
Which you can then click on & turn off so it will then look like this:
During the class exercises everyone (except the instructor) will be muted.
The audio quality keeps dropping out, what can I do?
This maybe due to your internet connection. Make sure that you don’t have anything else running on your computer such as email or other browsers open. If it continues to be a problem, stop your own video and just have audio which may help.
I can’t hear anything, what do I do?
This means that you have either muted the sound on your device (rather than in Zoom) or your speakers are not working. Make sure you are not muted on your device.
Check your sound - if it is low, then you need to turn it up.
If you still have no sound, check if you have a separate speaker that it is turned on.
Check your sound in your device settings and check which speakers it is using. (Perhaps try watching a YouTube video & check whether you hear anything on that!)
Do I have to have a webcam to join on Zoom?
You are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom class, if you don’t have a webcam you will not be able to transmit a video of yourself. You will still be able to view the webcam video of other participants (who are sharing video) and the instructor leading the class.
I have a webcam, but I don’t want other people to see me, what do I do?
If you hover your mouse over your tool bar, usually at the side or bottom of your screen, you will see a camera icon such as this:
Which you can then click on & turn off so it will then look like this:
How can I control what picture occurs on the screen?
If you hover you mouse over the screen you should find either a series of dots or icon with two options, these are ‘speaker’ and ‘gallery’ view. You need to choose speaker view; this will mean that once the class participants are all muted and the exercises start, the instructor will appear in the main screen.

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