Class Levels
High Intermediate
High intermediate Group is quite advance. This means that you are well acquainted with of Pilates principles, you have no specific muscluo-skeletal issues and that you understand and can perform most complex exercises with a reasonably high level. Advanced Pilates exercises may be offered in these classes at the discretion of the instructor.
Intermediate is moderately advanced. This means that you are well acquainted with Pilates principles, and that you understand and can perform most complex exercises with to a moderately high level. You may have some Musculo-skeletal issues that the instructor will be aware of. The instructor is more likely to offer a wider range of levels for each exercise to suit individual needs.
Beginners group are still becoming acquainted with basic principles and techniques of Pilates. These classes will generally offer fewer exercises and most exercises will be broken down into simpler tasks to develop good technique. These classes are limited to 10 per class.
Balance Classes are for those who want to enjoy the benefits of stretching, strengthening, co-ordination and balance exercises, but for whom getting up and down off the floor is difficult. Most exercises are performed either in standing or sitting.
Teens: PHP is not currently offering teen classes but please enquire if you have a group of teens whom you think would be interested.
Amersham Community Centre,
Chiltern Avenue,
Amersham HP6 5AH,
United Kingdom
Saint Michael & All Angels Church Hall,
70 Sycamore Road,
Amersham HP6 5DR,
United Kingdom
Chesham Guide Hut,
Bury Lane,
Lowndes Park,
Chesham HP5 1HL,
United Kingdom